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EU Neighbours South

EU Neighbours South presents through real stories the benefits the EU brings to people and businesses in the region in their everyday life, both in terms of the socio-economic situation but also in terms of values. Learn more about the results of European Union’s cooperation with the Southern Neighbourhood countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine , Syria and Tunisia.
EU Neighbours South
EU Neighbours South3 hours ago
Meet Fatima Al-Ghamrawi, a young leader from Tripoli, Lebanon 🇱🇧, driving change with NGO Utopia and the "Youth RESOLVE" project, funded by the EU 🇪🇺. She's tackling water scarcity through innovation and empowering youth for nationwide impact. Fatima's story inspires resilience and compassion for a brighter future.
👉 https://south.euneighbours.eu/story/fatimas-journey-from-volunteerism-to-collective-empowerment/
EU Neighbourhood & Enlargement Luis Miguel Bueno UTOPIA for Social Justice DPNA #EUTFSyria
فاطمة الغمراوي هي شابّة اصيلة طرابلس اللبنانيّة وهي تحمل التزاما قويّا تجاه المجتمع المحلّي. انخرطت في المنظّمة غير الحكوميّة يوتوبيا ثمّ التحقت بمشروع “عزم الشباب” الذي يدعمه الاتحاد الأوروبي بهدف معالجة ندرة المياه من خلال حلول مبتكرة. تتجاوز رؤية فاطمة النجاح الشخصي وتسعى إلى تمكين الشباب بشكل جماعي لإحداث تغيير إيجابي على الصعيد الوطني.
👉 https://bit.ly/4aNXfKt
#EU #Support #Opportunities
EU Neighbours South
EU Neighbours South
EU Neighbours South1 day ago
Plongez dans la beauté des zones humides du Maroc 🇲🇦 ! 🌿#EyesOnEarth Union européenne au Maroc
Rejoignez-nous pour un voyage passionnant vers le site Ramsar d'Aguelmame Sidi Ali, où des défenseurs de l'environnement passionnés travaillent main dans la main avec l'Union européenne 🇪🇺 pour protéger ces écosystèmes vitaux.
Découvrez comment la passion et la collaboration façonnent un avenir durable au parc national de Khénifra.
EU Neighbourhood & Enlargement Luis Miguel Bueno
Agence Nationale des Eaux et Forêts - Maroc
اكتشفوا الأراضي الرطبة الرائعة في المغرب على موقع أكلمام سيدي علي ، رامسار في المغرب!
بدعم من الاتحاد الأوروبي، يقوم المحافظون بحماية هذه النظم البيئية الحيوية. استكشفوا الشغف والتعاون من أجل مستقبل مستدام في حديقة خنيفرة الوطنية. #EyesOnEarth

Dive into the beauty of Morocco's wetlands! #EyesOnEarth
Join us on an exciting journey to the Aguelmame Sidi Ali Ramsar site, where passionate conservationists are working hand in hand with the European Union to protect these vital ecosystems. Discover how passion and collaboration are shaping a sustainable future at Khenifra National Park.
European Forest Institute (EFI) MedWaves SwitchMed Interreg NEXT MED Programme
EU Neighbours South
EU Neighbours South
EU Neighbours South2 days ago
#Tenders, #grants, calls for proposals and #jobs from the European Neighbourhood 🇩🇿 🇪🇬 🇯🇴 🇱🇧 🇱🇾 🇲🇦 🇵🇸 🇹🇳 #EU4YOUth #EU4Jobs
Click on the link below to find out the latest 🇪🇺 #opportunities from the Southern Neighbourhood.
EU Neighbours South
EU Neighbours South2 days ago
Happy #EarthDay! We are proud to share the impact of the #EyesOnEarth forest clean-ups in Tunisia and Libya.
In collaboration with the 🇪🇺 EU Delegations and partners in Libya and Tunisia, EU Neighbours South brought together young volunteers, students, EU Jeel Connectors and local stakeholders to clean forests in Jabal El Akhdar 🇱🇾 and Ain Drahem 🇹🇳, create fire-cutting zones and invite youth to cherish their forest capital and biodiversity
Let's keep mother earth clean and equipped for a greener future!
EU Neighbourhood & Enlargement European Union in Libya / الإتحاد الأوروبي في ليبيا Union européenne en Tunisie MedWaves European Forest Institute (EFI) SwitchMed Interreg NEXT MED Programme منظمة كلوروفيل - Chlorophyll Organization براح للثقافة والفنون Barah Culture & Arts Tounes Clean-Up
EU Neighbours South
EU Neighbours South5 days ago
Waleed Sheta's 🇪🇬 life changed completely after training with Maia-Taqa by ENICBCMED 🇪🇺️. Now, he's not just an engineer but also the founder of a startup focusing on carbon trading.
EU Neighbourhood & Enlargement Luis Miguel Bueno European Union in Egypt Interreg NEXT MED Programme
عرفت حياة وليد شتا تغييرا جذريّا بعد أن تابع تدريبا مع مشروع MAIA-TAQA في إطار برنامج التعاون عبر الحدود في حوض البحر الأبيض المُتوسط للآلية الأوروبية للجوار ليصبح اليوم مهندسا وكذلك باعث مؤسّسة ناشئة تعمل في مجال مبادلة الكربون.
#EuropeanYearOfSkills #EU #Support #Opportunities
EU Neighbours South
EU Neighbours South
EU Neighbours South6 days ago
Discover EU Jeel Connectors' impactful initiatives in Lebanon 🇱🇧. Rita El Khoury introduced EU-funded programmes, Abdelhadi Shaker showcased the 🇪🇺️ BAM app in Tripoli, and Moussa Kabbouchi inspired Bekaa Valley schools to embrace environmental consciousness.
More #EUJeelConnect activities 👉 https://south.euneighbours.eu/news/?eu_jeel_connect_activity=true
EU Neighbourhood & Enlargement Luis Miguel Bueno European Union in Lebanon

اكتشفوا مبادرات EU Jeel Connectors المؤثرة في لبنان . قدمت ريتا الخوري برامج ممولة من الاتحاد الأوروبي، وعرض عبد الهادي شاكر تطبيق 🇪🇺️ BAM في طرابلس، وألهم موسى كبوشي مدارس وادي البقاع لتبني الوعي البيئي.
Rita Khoury Moussa Kabbouchi Hadi Shaker
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