Portraits – 12 Tunisian success stories

December 12, 2019
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The Delegation of the European Union to Tunisia has published the testimonials of 12 Tunisian women and men who carried out innovative and ambitious actions that led to significant improvements in their professional daily life.

“A common point unites these project initiators: at some point in their paths, the European Union, through its field action in Tunisia, gave them the necessary boost that allowed them to achieve their potential, to put their energy in the service of their country, and to give the best of themselves.

These 12 Tunisian success stories have been selected for their diversity and their representativeness. This is only a small sample of our actions, but each of these actions makes these women and men real goodwill Ambassadors between our two shores.” (Excerpt from the foreword of Patrice Bergamini, Ambassador of the European Union to Tunisia).

Portraits-12 Success Stories tunisiennes