EuroMedMig Policy Paper: “Policy conversations across the Mediterranean: migratory governance. Europe and Lebanon in the spotlight”

January 21, 2022
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This Policy Paper is a summary of the conversation entitled “Mediterranean Migration Governance: From State-centric to City-centric? Exploring Alternative Policy Paths.” It is about the next decade of policies towards migrants and refugees in the Mediterranean, the governance new trends and role of decentralized actors in the scene with a focus on the Syrian refugees’ situation in Lebanon.

It expands the horizon of the conversation drawing in trans- disciplinary insights from both academia and practice in order to propose new bridges and learning that can advocate for migrant protection and guard against policies of exclusion.


EuroMedMig Policy Paper: “Policy conversations across the Mediterranean: migratory governance. Europe and Lebanon in the spotlight”

EuroMedMig Policy Paper: "Policy conversations across the Mediterranean: migratory governance. Europe and Lebanon in the spotlig