EU Delegations unwrapped : A practical guide for Civil Society Organisations

August 30, 2019
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Whether you are just starting to work in Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and you need an overview of the European Union’s institutional set-up and the role EU Delegations play for CSOs in your country, or if you would like to deepen your knowledge about political dialogue with the EU, EU policies and funding trends, this handbook includes insightful information for a variety of levels and experiences.

At this practical guide’s core are crucial tips how representatives of Civil Society Organisations can effectively engage with EU Delegations. By the end of this read, you will be stacked up on the knowledge and skills needed to raise your organisation’s profile in the eyes of EU Delegations – and through concrete examples, best practices and lessons learnt be provided with the support and opportunities you need to ensure space for your organisation’s participation.

EU Delegations unwrapped : A practical guide for Civil Society Organisations
Civil Society Media