Senior Non-Key Expert Position: Design And Support The Development Of Energy Modeling Unit, Egypt

Opportunity type : Job Opportunities
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In 2016, the supreme council of energy has adopted the energy strategy of Egypt 2035. This strategy is a part of the support offered by the EU to Egypt, through a project known as; Technical Assistance for the Reform of the Energy Sector “TARES”. The plan is to update the strategy on a regular bases as well as when changes take place, as this update becomes necessary.

One of the objectives of the current technical assistance project “Support the Technical and Financial Sustainability of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency” is the establishment of an Energy Modelling Unit“EMU”, to take care of this update as well as to act as a think tank for the necessary support to the energy sector in Egypt in developing its long term vision and enable necessary energy outlook for the sector.

The senior non key data analyst consultant C22,whom will provide support to the ongoing operations of the EMU. He will be responsible for data collection, verification, cross checking and classification in cooperation with the chief consultant for Egypt/TIMES software programmer C2. Also, he will be requested to coordinate his work with consultant C1, who isresponsible for the design and governance of the EMU as well as consultant C3 for capacity building of the EMU staff and stakeholders of the EMU.

Countries covered:

  • Egypt