Budget/Accounting Assistant, Finance, Contracts and Audit section, EU Delegation to Egypt

Opportunity type : Fellowship or post-graduate programmes
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Responsible, under the responsibility and supervision of the Head of Section and/or of the

relevant financial verifying agent, for the good functioning of the financial functions of the Section,as financial initiating agent.

Functions and duties

BUDGET, FINANCE, CONTRACTS and ACCOUNTING – Financial and contractual co-ordination

  • Provide advice on financial and budgetary matters to the staff in the operational section(s) of the delegation.
  • Participate in negotiations of technical and financial aspects of contracts linked to the
  • preparation and implementation of external assistance projects.
  • Assist in tender openings and evaluations and represent the Delegation in local tender
  • procedures as observer.
  • Draft documents linked to financial operations (addenda, payment orders, recovery orders,debit notes).



  • Function as financial initiating agent for all financial transactions related to the
  • implementation of projects (commitments, procurement and calls for proposals dossiers,
  • payments, recoveries, decommitments).
  • Verify supporting documents related to all financial transactions of the section.
  • Manage the Legal Entity and Bank Account files.
  • To check and confirm the validity and expiry date of bank guarantees related to projects and ensure their correct registration in accounting systems.
  • To draft relevant communications to contractors.



  • To encode contractual and financial data in accounting and project management systems (CRIS, ABAC).
  • Ensure coherence and timely encoding of data in various databases.
  • Assist in the preparation of financial reports and statistics (RAC, RAL, payments forcasts, EAMR, annual reports, ad hoc reporting).


INFORMATION and DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT – Document management Finance and Contract

  • File and archive financial documents, correspondence and returned files and requests for clarification.
  • Handle correspondence and relevant notes, including their registration in Ares.


AUDIT, CONTROL and INSPECTION – Support and follow-up

  • Provide assistance for “on the spot” control and audit missions.
  • Assist in the follow-up to audit reports and discharge procedures.
  • Assist in the preparation and evaluation of own audit programmes.


Countries covered:

  • Egypt