PETITION: Situation of the civilian population of the Afrin region in Syria following the bombing of Turkey

June 17, 2018
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Dear petitioner,

I thank you for your approach to the situation in northern Syria and especially in the Afrin region.

Since the beginning of the operation launched by Turkey against the Party of the Democratic Union (in Kurdish: Partiya Yekîtiya Demokrat, PYD) the European Union has ceaselessly worked for a cessation of hostilities. We have expressed publicly but also to our Turkish counterparts our fears about the negative consequences of this offensive, not only for the population but also the ceasefire process in Syria. (…)

In its conclusions on Syria on April 16, the Council of the European Union stressed that Turkey’s military operation in north-west Syria has further complicating the situation, resulting in significant displacement of local population and is another source of serious concern. (…)

Erika Ferrer


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Countries covered:

  • Syria *