Disaster management: EU-funded PPRD South 3 presented DEWETRA system to Israel

July 28, 2020
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After Algeria, the EU-funded PPRD South 3 presented the DEWETRA system in Israel. The project brought together Israeli institutional actors and experts from the Italian Civil Protection Directorate and the Italian CIMA research institute to present the DEWETRA system to the Israeli authorities.

The meeting focused on the DEWETRA, a warning system based on the four pillars identified by Sendai framework: knowledge of the risks, monitoring, analysis and forecasting of disasters, communication and capacity of public and private organizations to respond to calls. This tool concentrates in a single system all the information related to the various risks (fires, floods etc.) and allows also a real-time exchange of data, while respecting the ownership of the information.

A presentation of myDEWETRA was made as well as a demonstration of the services available on the basis of scenarios that already took place in Israel.

The CIMA foundation is a research center bringing together the Italian Civil Protection and the University of Genoa. Its mandate is to assist the Italian Civil Protection with scientific and technical support in disaster management.

The overall objective of EU-funded PPRD South 3 is to contribute to increasing resilience and reducing the social, economic and environmental costs of natural and man-made disasters in the ENP South region, based on the results of the PPRD South Program and the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM).


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  • Israel
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