Call for Proposals to increase the competitiveness of the vegetables, citrus and avocado value chain(s) in the Akkar region, Lebanon

Opportunity type : Calls for Proposals
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In the framework of the “Private Sector Developpement” (PSD) Programme, funded by the European Union, Expertise France is launching a restricted Call for Proposals to increase the competitiveness of the vegetables and/or the citrus and/or the avocado value chain(s) in Akkar region.

The present restricted call for proposals has for scope the implementation of the project in Akkar region and will contribute to the project objectives by increasing the competitiveness of selected value chain, i.e. vegetables, citrus and avocado, through:

  • Providing technical assistance to farmers
  • Facilitate the creation of linkages between value chain actors
  • Improve post-harvest facilities
  • Improve existing or support the creation of new processing facilities
  • Improve value chain actor marketing and promotion strategies.
  • Facilitate actors upgrading of value chain governance


Countries covered:

  • Lebanon