NET-MED Youth presents its results at UNESCO Headquarters

October 25, 2017
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62 participants met on October 23-24 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris for a two-day seminar to share findings of their skills forecasting work, with special focus on youth employment.

The seminar, Regional Skills Forecasting in the South Mediterranean Region, presented the results of NET-MED Youth forecasting work and provided a platform for participants to discuss and exchange national and international experiences. Participants were able to identify the areas that need further strengthening and promotion.

In the area of employment, NET-MED Youth works with youth organizations, experts and decision-makers to reinforce the relevance of education and training systems so as to promote youth employment and enhance their skills. The project is multidisciplinary and strengthens national skills forecasting systems, empowers youth capacities so they can be part of policy dialogue and planning, and supports youth-led national awareness campaigns on youth skills needs.

“The work that we are going to do today is very important,” said Nada Al-Nashif, Assistant-Director General for UNESCO’s Social and Human Sciences Sector. “It takes place in the context of a flagship project, NET-MED Youth, and it is based on the multidisciplinary expertise of UNESCO to work both on different but very complementary areas – youth policies, democracy, media, freedom of expression, education and employment – and on identity and intercultural dialogue. Many parts of UNESCO come together.”


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Press Release


Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia