NDC publishes its first year report on meaningful climate action

December 29, 2017
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A New Report offers highlights from the NDC Partnership’s first year, underscoring country progress on Climate Action. The NDC Partnership, a coalition of governments and international institutions committed to turn the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) into meaningful climate action has released its first year report. Partnership in Action: One Year On, provides an overview of key results focusing on a set of country summaries – including Morocco and Tunisia – describing how the Partnership has helped strengthen NDC-related climate action and align it with their development agenda.

Morocco is building national capacity for climate action through the Center for Climate Change Competence (4C Maroc), and the Adaptation of African Agriculture (AAA) Initiative. Through both of these mechanisms, Morocco is sharing its experiences regionally, particularly regarding climate financing. In an NDC Partnership Support Unit-facilitated consultation workshop in Mali in August 2017, 4C Maroc provided lessons learned on developing investment plans that support NDC implementation.

Tunisia has embarked on an ambitious energy transition process that builds on the energy efficiency strategy (2012) and the Tunisian Solar Plan, last updated in 2016. These are supported through the Investment and Renewable Energy Laws and the decree on the Energy Transition Fund, announced in September 2017. With regard to climate adaptation, Tunisia is adopting policies, programs, and strategies that work to meet national adaptation priorities in the areas of water security, climate-smart agriculture, and coastal resilience.

The NDC Partnership was launched in 2015, at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, France. As of November 2017, the Partnership, co-chaired by Morocco and Germany, includes 62 member countries and 12 institutional partners, which help ensure countries can access the technical assistance, knowledge and financial support required to implement their NDCs.


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Countries covered:

  • Morocco
  • Tunisia